Shocking ingredients in your food

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Food is your main source of nutrition and wellness. What you put into your body is important. The quest to eat healthily appears to be so straightforward, yet there is so much deception from food businesses that it is difficult to determine what is healthy and what is dangerous.

As you go down the aisles of your local supermarket, you are bombarded with thousands of clever marketing ploys. Food corporations want you to buy their products, and they deliberately work to deceive you into believing that their food is healthier than it is.

You see items that openly proclaim “Organic”, “No Trans Fats”, “All Natural”, “Gluten-Free”, “Fat-Free” and a slew of other supposedly healthful words. Consumers frequently are unaware that they are purchasing goods that are hazardous to their health. “If it’s organic, it must be healthy,” you would reason. Regrettably, this is not always the case.

Food companies don’t care about you

The earlier you recognize this, the better. Food businesses are unconcerned about your health. They are motivated by a desire to make money. Companies will adjust their marketing to fit customer trends and expectations, but they will not necessarily change their food processing and manufacturing methods. They will also go out of their way to conceal potentially hazardous chemicals from you.

Worse, the FDA approves of this. They also allow a slew of food additives that have been linked to serious health issues. The FDA also does not require the listing of chemical pollutants (such as rocket fuel).

There are numerous dangerous food additives whose names are deceptive to the ignorant consumer. Knowing this, the grocery shop transforms into a minefield rather than a source of sustenance and wellness. You have no idea what you’re putting in your body or feeding your family. It’s no surprise that our country has so many major health issues.

Even if you buy in the organic/natural/whole foods area of your local grocery store, you must exercise caution. There are certainly many better options there, but these sections also contain a lot of highly processed goods that aren’t as healthy as you may expect. You must use extreme caution while purchasing ANY packaged foods.

Here are 10 dangerous ingredients to look out for:

1. Sodium Nitrate:

As a preservative, sodium nitrate is utilized as an additive. It can be found in processed meats such as deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, and sausages. Sodium nitrate has been related to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, neurological issues, and gastrointestinal disorders in studies. If you eat meat, choose lean fresh cuts and restrict or avoid foods containing sodium nitrate.

2. Azodicarbonamide:

Azodicarbonamide is a chemical that is used in the production of rubber and synthetic leather. It makes things frothy, so someone decided it would be a good idea to add it to bread to make it spongy! It’s also used to make cereal flour whiter. While the FDA maintains that there is insufficient evidence to determine if this chemical in food causes harm, it has been prohibited in Europe and Australia. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention both give cautions about respiratory difficulties, as well as skin and eye irritation, and advise against ingestion. According to some reports, consuming this substance is dangerous to hormone and immunological function.

3. High fructose corn syrup:

Despite the corn industry’s best efforts to persuade us differently, high fructose corn syrup is not a natural food — it is highly processed. It is also not the same as natural sugar and is not digested in the same way by the body. When combined with the enormous amounts of high fructose corn syrup hiding in our food, it creates a slew of health risks. Obesity, type II diabetes, high blood pressure, liver disease, and heart disease have all been related to high fructose corn syrup. Because food producers are aware that consumers are seeking it on ingredient labels, many of them now list it as fructose or fructose syrup. It’s the same deadly substance, in the same high concentrations, with a deceiving new name.

4. BHT (butyl hydroxytoluene)

Butyl hydroxytoluene (BHT) is a synthetic chemical used as a food and cosmetic preservative. It reduces the natural oxidation process, preventing the deterioration of foods and cosmetics. Surprisingly, the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for this chemical plainly states that it is a dangerous compound. However, it is present in our food! BHT has been linked to cancer in animals in studies. “They” state that low dosages are good, but excessive levels are not; yet, BHT is found in a variety of food products, so how do you know which are high vs. low dosages? Is there a symbiotic relationship?

5. Enriched flour:

Enriched flour is flour that has been chemically and mechanically stripped of all of its fiber and nutrients, and then a small proportion of those nutrients have been artificially reintroduced. As a result, you get a product with almost no nutritional value. Foods manufactured with enhanced flour are not metabolized in the same way by your body because they are highly processed and depleted. They quickly convert to sugar, causing blood sugar and insulin to increase. This poses a number of health problems, including an increased chance of type 2 diabetes, blood vessel damage, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of some malignancies. You may be used to the texture and flavor of white bread and flour, but do yourself a favor and convert to actual whole grains.

6. Soybean oil:

The soybean is often regarded as a healthful food and is a popular substitute for animal protein. Unfortunately, soybeans and soybean oil have been connected to a variety of health problems. One important issue is that the bean is frequently mass-produced using harmful chemicals and is genetically engineered. Soy and soybean oil have been associated with inflammation, digestive difficulties, allergies, and vitamin and protein malabsorption. The oil is also partially hydrogenated, making it a trans-fat, which has been linked to a variety of health problems. If you go with soy, be sure it’s non-GMO and organic.

7. MSG

MSG is a flavor enhancer that is used in a variety of meals in the United States. If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last few decades, you’ve probably heard that MSG is hazardous for your health. Obesity, migraines, eye damage, nausea, and other health issues have been connected to it. Although there are conflicting findings on the short and long-term effects of MSG, sensitivities are fairly common. With all of the unknowns and evidence pointing to health hazards, you’re best off avoiding it.

8. Yellow #5 (tartrazine):

Yellow #5 is a food additive that is used to tint numerous foods yellow. Several studies have linked this addition to a variety of health concerns. Allergies, hyperactivity, reduced sperm count, and cancer risks are among them. Keep an eye out for this and other food coloring chemicals, as several of them, have been related to health issues.

9. Propylene glycol alginate:

Propylene glycol is a popular food additive and the main element in antifreeze. The results of research investigations on this food additive have been inconclusive in terms of health effects. Some studies have linked neurological difficulties, renal and liver disease, as well as respiratory and cardiovascular disease, to increased risk. There is no clear proof due to conflicting studies, but is it really worth taking the risk till the researchers figure it out?

10. Polysorbate 60:

Polysorbate 60 is a thickening that is extensively used in meals and cosmetics. While there isn’t much information about this chemical complex, its constituents have been connected to carcinogens and fertility problems.

The easiest way to avoid these dangerous ingredients:

The frightening thing is that the above list represents only a small portion of the countless hazardous chemicals and compounds contained in packaged goods. The only way to actually get healthy is to avoid these dangerous substances and be aware of what you are putting into your (and your family’s) body.

Focusing on whole meals is one of the most effective ways to avoid these items. If you are an omnivore, buy fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as unprocessed meats and seafood. Including green smoothies in your diet is also an excellent way to begin eating a variety of healthful, full fruits and vegetables without being concerned about the flavor. Not only that, but the nutrients in green smoothies can help counteract any damage that these hidden poisons have already done. Smoothies are quick and simple to create, cheap, and portable. They are an excellent option for healthy meals on the road.